Friday, April 27, 2018

Bunkers On 3 And 8 Open For Play

Good Morning Centennial Park Golf Course

This is our new Steiner mower.  It will be used to mow around our new bunkers.  It also has an attachment that will allow us to mow the steep hills.

Holes 3 and 8 are open to play from the bunkers.  Please stay off steep slopes as they continue to root.  Enter from the flat bottom side.

Hole 9 should be finished mid week.  It will take a couple of weeks to be ready for play.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Catch Up Week

With the cold wet weather the ground crew was able to catch up on some odd jobs we wanted to do for several years.

We kept the pumps covered all week and kept warm with space heaters.  It looks like the forecast improves over the weekend.

We were open for play by lunch time after an inch of snow Wednesday night.

Clearing on the hill between #9 green and the putting green.g debris.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

3 and 8 Looking Great

It was a roller coaster of a week.  Frost to upper 70's and back to cold.

Frosty morning on #1

On Thursday we turned on the irrigation system.  The greens were drying up and we needed to water the new sod on #3 and #8

We used a trash pump to water sod on #3 and #8 before we got the irrigation system up and running on Thursday.

Again, please stay off new sod.  

Friday, April 6, 2018

Bunker Renovation Update

The temperature has been 20 degrees below normal this week.  This has slowed some of the renovation work.  Next week, we will start to sod #3 and #8 and continue work on #9.  The pump will be turned on Wednesday.  I also need to apply crabgrass pre-emergent.

Both #3 and #8 have had a bunker liner and sand installed.  After the sod has rooted in a couple of weeks the bunkers will be playable.

Work on fairway bunkers has begun on #9.