Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Temporary Tee Markers on Par 3's for Winter

Please use temporary tee markers on holes 3 and 8. 

Frosty morning Monday.

Warmer temperatures by the end of the week.  Looks like you can get another round I before the end of the year.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Greens Aerification

 Again this year, we had CS Turf aerify our greens.

 The 1/2 inch tines went to a depth of 9 inches.

Sand was applied and then dragged into the holes.  Lalo applied the sand.  Jose followed the a drag mat.  I blew off any excess sand.  The last step was Kevin set a new cup.

We were finished by 2:00  The holes should be healed up in about a week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Edging Bunkers

Lalo is leading the guys on edging bunkers this week This is an important job to keep our new bunkers looking their best.

Along with a clean edge, they are getting sand back to the proper depth.

After recent rains, and cooler temps, the course is looking much better.

This is Lalo.  He's our mechanic/foreman and what ever needs to be done guy.  He has over 20 years experience between Briar Ridge and Centennial Park.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Happy 4th

Last Wednesday and Thursday night we received 3.5 inches of rain.  The path on #3 flooded but we were able to drive by tee #4 to keep it open on Friday.

I hope everyone enjoyed a safe 4th last week.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Rain and More Hot Weather

After 2.5 inches of rain since last Thursday, the golf course is looking much healthier. More rain is expected Tuesday along with a very hot weekend.  Water management is critical when as warm conditions promote several diseases.

Lost sprinklers found.  I was finally able to find 2 sprinklers on hole #3.  They were in the off position.  I was able to locate them by tracing a wire to each head.  I will now be able to water some new sod that was laid during bunker renovation.

Lalo attached the rough cut deck on our new Steiner mower.  Jose started to tackle the mess between 1 and 6 to today. 

New tee markers were installed today.  The top photo is the Billy Casper buffalo logo while the tree below represents the Centennial Park logo.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Bunkers Are Done

The Hollembeak crew with Lalo, Jose and myself.  These guys did a great job with our bunker renovation.  2.5 months with everything from snow to 90 degrees.  A couple bunkers will remain ground under repair for a week or 2.

This is our rookie Jason.  He's a student at IU in the Kelley School of Business.  His main job responsibilities include cup changing, bunkers and tee maintenance.

This is Orlando.  He's in his 4th season at Centennial.  Greens, tees, fairways and banks are his main jobs.

Jose is in his 2nd season at Centennial but he has over 10 years experience at Briar Ridge and Sand Creek.  He can do most jobs including driving our new bank mower.

A deer has been hanging around the last couple of weeks.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Bunker Renovation Nearing Completion

I'll be introducing the staff over the next couple of weeks.  This is Kevin.  His main jobs this season have been cup cutting, bunkers and now greens mowing.  He also has installed many of the bunker liners in our new bunkers.  Thanks for your hard work.

 Please fix your ball marks.  We had 2 employees spend 3 hours fixing them the other day.

 Expected finish to bunker renovation is next Friday.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend

 Come out and play Centennial Park Golf Course this weekend.

Hole #5 is finished.  Please stay out of new sod by green side bunkers.

Bunker renovation should be finished in a couple of weeks.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Bunkers Renovation Passes the Half Way Point

 A big congratulations go out to Matt Meneghetti Jr. on his win in the CCIW golf championship.  Playing in his last college tournament, the Carthage senior won on the 3rd hole of a playoff. "Ghetti" is going to try and make it as a professional.  He is the son of our golf pro Matt Meneghetti and worked on the grounds staff in 2017.

New flags and flagsticks went out today.  The checkered pattern should improve visibility.

Hole #5 should be completed by mid week.  Then it's on to #4.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Bunkers On 3 And 8 Open For Play

Good Morning Centennial Park Golf Course

This is our new Steiner mower.  It will be used to mow around our new bunkers.  It also has an attachment that will allow us to mow the steep hills.

Holes 3 and 8 are open to play from the bunkers.  Please stay off steep slopes as they continue to root.  Enter from the flat bottom side.

Hole 9 should be finished mid week.  It will take a couple of weeks to be ready for play.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Catch Up Week

With the cold wet weather the ground crew was able to catch up on some odd jobs we wanted to do for several years.

We kept the pumps covered all week and kept warm with space heaters.  It looks like the forecast improves over the weekend.

We were open for play by lunch time after an inch of snow Wednesday night.

Clearing on the hill between #9 green and the putting green.g debris.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

3 and 8 Looking Great

It was a roller coaster of a week.  Frost to upper 70's and back to cold.

Frosty morning on #1

On Thursday we turned on the irrigation system.  The greens were drying up and we needed to water the new sod on #3 and #8

We used a trash pump to water sod on #3 and #8 before we got the irrigation system up and running on Thursday.

Again, please stay off new sod.  

Friday, April 6, 2018

Bunker Renovation Update

The temperature has been 20 degrees below normal this week.  This has slowed some of the renovation work.  Next week, we will start to sod #3 and #8 and continue work on #9.  The pump will be turned on Wednesday.  I also need to apply crabgrass pre-emergent.

Both #3 and #8 have had a bunker liner and sand installed.  After the sod has rooted in a couple of weeks the bunkers will be playable.

Work on fairway bunkers has begun on #9.